hund sykkel tur springer

Springer® - Norwegian quality with warranty.

Fits most bicycle frames

Frame size. 25-36mm.

Springer is available in sport, zoo and bicycle shops.

  • Great for both you and the dog
  • Quick and easy to mount
  • Keep two hands on the handlebars
  • Safe and easy to ride with large dogs
sykkeltur dobbelarm hund springer

About Springer®

Springer is a product developed in Norway. Springer keeps your dog attached to the bicycle so you can have two hands on the handlebars.

  • The design of the Springer arm will push the force from the dog down to the ground. This will significantly stabilize the bike compared to when the leash is attached below the seat, on the handlebars or in your hand.
  • Solid springs minimize unexpected turns from the dog. Gentle for both you and your dog.
  • A safety trigger will release the dog if the dog and bicycle get onto either side of a bar or similar.
  • Springer holds the dog softly but firmly on the desired side of the bike, preventing the dog from getting in front of or behind the bike. The design also ensures that the dog keeps away from the pedals.
  • The attachment makes it easy to unmount the arm if you wish to ride without your dog.
  • Springer is recommended by Trygg Trafikk in Norway.


Springer® Warranty:
Springer comes in powder coated steel. The product comes with a 10-year warranty. Paint damage is not covered by the warranty.